rare metals - SAS4: Promethium Strongboxes Review - 50 NK coin (high rank)

SAS4: Promethium Strongboxes Review - 50 NK coin (high rank)


  • - What do you think about this? see, and tell us now.
  • - Kinda disappointed...but I guess you get a lot better stuff from Nano boxes xD
  • - I'd rather just buy a lot of titanium strongboxes.
  • - Steel is the lowest box .
  • - wait so if you get a rare box it give you more better stuff or does it matter by the level
  • - Best time to buy these if you really want to is probably when you've only just reached the point that you transfer from regular items to red items, or when you start finding titan items. I wouldn't really recommend these other then early game though sadly. I'm level 98 currently and in the past 60 odd levels I think I've only found 1 upgrade from a box that wasn't Thulium or Nantonium.
  • - So awesome! Love it man! Shame you got such bad stuff ;(
  • - It's weird watching these because I only have 4 NK Coins from doing offers and you actually have the money to buy all these strongboxes :P
  • - For snipers I prefer the Hicks S300.. I use that a lot and all I want now is the Sub Light COM 2 RED lol. I would sell my hard thorn for it. 
  • - Ends of comments.