rare metals - Mercury Poisoning 2. Methods I use to detoxify!

Mercury Poisoning 2. Methods I use to detoxify!

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  • - What do you think about this? see, and tell us now.
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  • - I've been detoxifying for mercury as well. I had several mercury fillings.My main ingredient is cilantro. A researcher in New York City named Doctor Yoshiaki Omura discovered that cilantro will cross the blood brain barrier and pull mercury, aluminum, cadmium, tin and lead out of the brain and the body! Very cool, but all by itself, cilantro works too well. It will take mercury and other heavy metals as far as the large intestine, but then most of the mercury and other heavy metals get reabsorbed through the wall of the large intestine.The thing to do is to pair cilantro with something that will grab onto mercury and the other metals in the large intestine and escort them the rest of the way. I've read many times that mercury leaves the body 90% through the feces and 10% through the urine. Chlorella is most commonly mentioned, but you can also use bentonite clay, French green clay or diatomaceous earth. Whichever you pick, take it about 30 minutes before cilantro. I use a heaping tablespoon of diatomaceous earth, then 6 to 10 stems of cilantro. That 30 minute time is according to Doctor Dietrich Klinghardt. He's a leader in the mercury detox field. He was also Physician of the Year in 2007!I usually take the diatomaceous earth and cilantro twice a day, morning and evening. I take most of my vitamins in the morning. When I remember, I split alpha lipoic acid into a morning and evening dose. I don't wake up in the middle of the night to take it.The idea that you have to take alpha lipoic acid every 3 hours comes from Andy Cutler. He's in the - detox with mercury using chemistry - camp. He claimed he cured himself of chronic fatigue by taking ONLY alpha lipoic acid every 3 hours, because it has a half life of 3 hours. You don't need to wake up in the middle of the night just to take alpha lipoic acid. Andy's idea was that he had to keep this conveyor belt of mercury moving along, or otherwise, as soon as he stopped, the mercury would not be eliminated and it would be dumped to whatever part of the body it happened to be in at the time.Bear in mind, mercury detox is a young field. Andy might not be right, and if you are using a detox protocol with several ingredients, they are working for you too.There is an excellent mercury detox protocol on the HealthWyze website. Search on this title: How To Cure Autism and The Time Bomb Of Mercury Poisoning. If you don't know this yet, mercury is the main cause of autism. Aluminum will make autism even worse. Some vaccines contain mercury and aluminum, which is a crime against children and the people who make those vaccines should be tried and sent to prison. Also I've read that pesticides will make autism worse.It is:Chelation RegimenA.L.A. (alpha lipoic acid -- 300 mg. per 100 lbs.)Cilantro (supplement 100 mg. per 50 lbs. of weight)NAC (N-Acetyl-Cysteine -- 400 mg. per 50 lbs.)SeleniumB complex vitamins5-HTP (Never exceed 100 mg., and do not take alongside anti-depressants.)DMSA (3x/day, at 10 mg. per kg. of body weight, taken in pill form. 1 lbs. = 0.45 kg.)GarlicRegular exerciseUsing DMSA is questionable. I've read several times that DMSA is a poor chelator, so many people have just stopped using it. Garlic supplies sulfur, which is a building block of glutathione, your body's natural chelator. Selenium helps to chelate mercury, which means pull mercury out of your body. The 5-HTP is just to boost serotonin, meaning to help boost your mood, but it doesn't do anything for me.I have at least 70 pages of notes on detoxifying mercury. These are just a few important points I wanted to share with anyone watching this video. The most important thing is to be consistent with your detox protocol!Also, if you still have mercury fillings, you need to find a mercury free dentist! He, or she, will give you an air supply, use proper air and water suction, and take the mercury fillings out in a few, large pieces. A regular dentist will just drill away, which atomizing the fillings. It turns them into many small particles, which the patient breathes in! Then that patient's mercury poisoning will get worse!Also read about how to detox BEFORE you get your fillings removed. I remember you want to take a lot of chlorella, but hold off on the cilantro because your body already has enough mercury to deal with, and pulling more mercury out of your brain is stressful on the kidneys.I wish you all success, the best of health and a happy autumn, Anthony!
  • - The natural mineral called Zeolite is the best way to remove Mercury including the mercury in silver amalgam fillings and other Heavy Metals From the Body. Its safe and It Works!
  • - Let me rephrase that they were a darker pinkish color before I started detoxing now they are alot lighter.
  • - Will the color of my hands ever change back to the normal color they are kinda pink right now but they use to be a dark pinkish color.
  • - Wow your a hot milf !!!
  • - Thanks for the info!! God bless you. How do I find someone to do this in the Boston area? I have found a dentist, but want to know of a holistic doctor who will do the vitamin C IV.
  • - I am dying from this stupid poison....still. Once amalgam removal, the mercury decided it wanted to escape from my organs all at once..calling me so much despair. I have lost a lot of cellular functioning. I don't have a life force, chronic kidney and adrenal failure etc. My my body isn't healthy enough to detox at all. I'm at a standstill and am pretty sure I'm going to die at 27 if I don't do something.... I want to do enemas but am too fragile and am too weak. I don't even feel like I am a person, or alive. Plus, I have Lyme disease, mycoplasma and a ton of other viruses. :(:( everything is failing and I don't know how to fix me. 
  • - Tiffany lynn i would recommend going to see a naturopath 
  • - Array
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