rare metals - Plane Fly-by, Crescent Moon on April 16, 2013

Plane Fly-by, Crescent Moon on April 16, 2013

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  • Rank 5.0 | Views: 136 | Duration: 01:24
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  • - What do you think about this? see, .
  • - i had a good idea?..you tease me..and your never a pest..lol
  • - Ray Lamontagne ! just pulled the CD out of my collection, you mentioned this to day somewhere ? sorry busy day, never noticed the devil dancing with the blind folded woman. love the album not played it for a long time. what's your take on the last Temptations of Christ, thing e by Nikos Kaztantzakis in the text it was translated by Peter A Bien, 1960 ? you got me thinking peace:)
  • - I know of at least two meditations to stimulate this process and can explain in detail how it happens and talk one into an almost trance-like, dream-like state that after practice can be turned into almost anything. I use it for writing, it works pretty well.
  • - Real cool ! Hyper room key is the symbol of infinity . Thank you. I just got back, had to experience some music . Instead of using the headset I drive in the country with the windows down and the music loud ( drum music. Supposed to connect you with your spiritual side.) Have you ever meditated and 'heard-seen' your thoughts in front of you and been able to also have other thoughts or a still mind at the same time ?
  • - Thoughts are randomly occurring, one at a time. In between them is a space, we create the solid, linear shaft of our thoughts which trigger our emotions. Everything is fundamentally neutral, we're the ones who are giving it the meaning. Tesla said: There is no energy in mater other than that received from the environment. We are born out of existence, not into it. When you're calm and listen, your environment will start singing to you, c# you see sharper, still the eyes and the right hemisphere
  • - I don't drink coffee any more, I drank way too much of it the first two years I was here; there are a lot of little places around here...that make it good. Real good. It's a pretty big hobby for some 8) How are you doing?
  • - im working on a video too, cutting and splicing, finding just the right music to go with it..
  • - The birds are happy ! Life is soo strange sometimes in so many ways, almost unfathomable at times. Centering and quiet are nice . Thanks for sharing. Was the coffee good ?
  • - I don't want to be a pest, but that's a good idea. I'll do that after I'm done editing this one thingy...peace 8)
  • - searches for stimulus, it starts to feel to awaken and search for sensual experience. Kundalini fire is awake in you when you feel the sensation of wind on your skin, this adsorption surface phenomenon known as perspiration is a chemical interaction between your largest organ and the environment, photons play a role, cosmic rays, sunshine, x-rays and all sorts of things that our photo-sensitive pineal gland receives which triggers bio-memory and relays information for a certain structure of DNA.
  • - Doing ok, just wondering about our learning things here. Have a deep sense of calm settling over me. Don't know if it is energy ( usually makes me feel warm like someone turned up the heat) or emotion. Guess time will tell. Bet the coffee there is good. When I visited Germany I loved the coffee- a little sugar and milk- viola- dessert
  • - The pineal gland is magnetic, the retinal system is also magnetic. You're pulling photons in through the muscular black holes in your eyes every time they're open. These holes connect via the optic nerve, criss crossing past, through the limbic system (behavior) & into the mid-brain. Part of Mid-brain is choroid plexus, this is where the mind-magic happens; production of cerebrospinal fluid. The Pineal Gland receiving stimulus or a shock from energy from space or the eyes desire pull us along.
  • - These processes both controlled and environmentally stimulated triggers the release of certain chemicals in the endocrine system and the cardio rate and Cerebral blood flow increase or drop, it's not the intensity that matters but the change in the pattern, the homeostasis, that matters. A build up of stressful hormones, chemicals in the body over time create blocks in the engram, arteries and electro-magnetic nodes, calluses and arthritis etc. is all a result of inactivity and not sweating out.
  • - Hello mrloferlofer..beautiful view..the sun looked gorgous dressed up in those beautiful clouds..thankyou for your words of wisdom, always..i wish i could make a video expressing that, but i just make videos that i care/hope that stimulate the senses in some way, but it would be nice to have your words on there too..ty...you keep your wisdom to yourself to much...i like this very much..your speak truth, and we can all use that, especially now a days...everything you express is cool..
  • - So back to thoughts occurring randomly, one at a time. Our environment is constantly communicating with us and sending us symbols and pressing buttons and all of these swirling interactions can be funnelled and processed in a form of analogical reasoning, basically how we first learn to do something. There are studies on the hippocampus and it being the root of our learning, it also contains a key hole, worm hole that looks like an 8 and leads to what NASA describes as a 'hyperroom...' cool huh?
  • - Ends of comments.