rare metals - Japan - radiation contamination of the environment & a constructive solution to the evacuees problem

Japan - radiation contamination of the environment & a constructive solution to the evacuees problem

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  • - What do you think about this? see, and tell us now.
  • - @BiggerThinking1 Thank goodness.
  • - GE needs to pay $200 billion to Japan
  • - Move the Diet to Fukushima!
  • - They couldn´t release the map immediatly, but they should´ve disclosed the high levels immediatly, after testing instead of waiting for all results to come & for the programmer to create a map! The citizens of those towns would´ve known immediatly that´s unsafe for them to stay! Who needs a map? They just needed the information that it´s unsafe. This could have been provided much earlier! Decontaminating areas? Problems: hugh area + where to put the waste + Fukushima still releases 1 GBq per day
  • - @steelbaz 6 days later now - didnt happen
  • - Japan's government just held emergency evacuations drills yesterday, for the "suspected/imminent" MASSIVE nuclear release from Reactor 3, the Plutonium MOX reactor. They expect a further serious meltdown or possible explosion in the next 3-4 days.
  • - @rumorecurioso I agree!!! It´s just that this man gave bad excusses as if there was no way of informing people before just because there were so many samples and it´s difficult to create a map! Yes, they contaminate the whole N Hemisphere!!! Gov´t of all nations have to send soldiers and build a f..ing sacophargus around it and a thick wall in the ground, so the radiation can´t get out anymore! This damn thing is still leaking 1 GBq every day!!! And the cores became overcritical again!!!!!!!
  • - @Pralinenliebe What you are talking about is common sense which the Japanese seem to lack entirely. On top of which, the gov't is withholding the information in fear of panic, I suppose; it seems to be willing to let a larger number of people perish as long as they do so quietly (larger than it would have been had the people panicked and left the area). NE Japan is unrecoverable & by letting the Japanese persist in their denial, we allow them to contaminate the ocean & the whole N Hemisphere
  • - oferta.