rare metals - Fender® Samarium Cobalt Noiseless (SCN) Pickups....

Fender® Samarium Cobalt Noiseless (SCN) Pickups....

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  • Rank 4.757576 | Views: 16477 | Duration: 01:36
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  • - What do you think about this? see, tu też jest odzież reklamowa.
  • - only shit
  • - 250k pots?
  • - damn, buddy has skills!
  • - That tiny little section from 18 seconds to 26 seconds is gorgeous.
  • - would have loved to have seen you play this.
  • - Killer jams bro.
  • - got two sets of 'em!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! got them hooked up with a tbx midboost just like clapton. Talk about endless possibilities!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Chicken pickin' to brown sound.
  • - I knew I wasn't the only one who loved these pickups … You can kinda squeeze that EVH early tones out of it, Seriously Back then he was using a Humbucker with a broken coil anyway. SO in these SCN's we get The best of it Hot, Quiet, Single Coil Tones … Albeit not as bright as conventional singles, with the right amp tone the Cut Perfectly … LOVE 'EM … GREAT CHOPS DUDE !!!
  • - sure what the exact guitar speak or term is to describe it. I do not have the ability to record and post or I would. Any ideas or specific settings for either of those amps that are known outstanding sounds that the pickups should perform well on would be appriciated. I may have to much gain on for them, or too much presence or resonance, so please include those too if you can. Again thanks for taking the time to read all these posts I left and any suggestions you may have. --Brian
  • - Hey dude, your sound is just awesome. How long do you use the samarium cobalt pick-ups?
  • - I have the Adrian Smith Sig Jackson San Dimas with these pickups installed in the neck and bridge. I have a JVM 410H, and a Randall MTS 100 Watt head with the George Lynch Mr. Scary, and newer GTO Jugde modules. Because I am a novice, when I use these pickups, I do not get a clear tone from them, to explain the sound the best I can, it is not crisp or clear like it sounds on this demo. Can someone suggest some actual settings for either of these amps for me to try that would work well? Thanks
  • - Love the Mr. Big in there!
  • - If I play scales, and I know very few lead type work, it does sound great, and I can really get that good tone. For instance, if you know Skid Row, slave to the Grind album, song that starts off with a sweet blues guitar into, and then the first line is "In a darkened room", that may be the title to the song. I can play that intro perfectly, and with those pickups it sounds great. But say I start to play some AC/DC or Maiden using them, that is when I just here this messy stuff, and I am not
  • - To continue, I would describe the sound I get to not ring crisp with chords, but sound like a muffled vibration almost. When just picking single notes this does not happen. It is like when your in a car with a stock crappy stereo, and you crank it up and the bass portion distorts and you get that non clear bass sound. But in this case it rings through like that on all notes of the chord. I do not play at loud volumes either, cause I live in a condo so it is not a volume problem.
  • - trust me the old scn pups are far better than the new N3 pups they seem hotter.
  • - Hey!! amazing sound! What guitar is that you're playing? What amp? You're an amazing player. Super technical skills AND feeling!!! Kudos to you brother!!
  • - Strashno
  • - Coincidence that Adrian Smith plays with them? Course in middle and neck because the bridge has dimarzio super DP -100
  • - HA HA - fucking magic!
  • - Beautiful playing. Was just wondering about the pot values. Would 250k yield a similar sound?
  • - Ends of comments.